I would like to apply to be a Beta Tester

In recruiting beta testers our goal is to attain absolute excellence with the quality and effectiveness of the curriculum.

We are seeking a diverse range of beta testers from a variety of backgrounds, homeschooling experience and learning styles so that our tester group reflects the potential audience.

Each unit costs $77 for 1 year access. Beta testers will receive 1 year access to the Curriculum for $23 - a 70% discount rate (saving $54). You can agree to test an individual unit or the full Grade.



I understand that as a beta tester, I am agreeing to receiving the Curriculum for $23 - a 70% discounted rate. In return I agree to the following:

  • Provide honest reviews of the curriculum that we can use on promotional material - both as a parent, and from your child as the actual end user.

  • Send us monthly feedback with any and all improvements - from simple grammar to more in depth suggestions.

  • Provide at least one video/audio testimonial for our use. We will provide help and guidance on how to do this.

  • Be open to speaking to Dr Bano or a member of her team, to discuss the curriculum and answer any questions they may have about my experience.

I understand that if I do not honour the agreement made as a beta tester, that my access to the Curriculum may be cut short.